2/2025: We released the python code for “Generalized Least Squares Tensor Factorization”. The implementation is very fast using the conjugate gradient method and Kronecker matrix vector multiplication, together with slicing and zero-padding operations. Please see a demo on Github at this link.
2/2025: Paper “Adversarial Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models for Time Series Forecasting” from Fuqiang and Sicong is accepted at AISTATS 2025.
1/2025: We (Francesco Ciari, Luis Miranda-Moreno, Carolina Osorio, Nicolas Saunier, Lijun Sun) will be hosting the ISTDM 2025 Conference in Montreal, from September 3 to 5, 2025.
1/2025: Our team presented 6 papers at the TRB Annual Meeting.
1/2025: Chengyuan got the CIRRELT PhD Scholarship. Congratulations!
12/2024: Xiaoxu’s paper “Conditional forecasting of bus travel time and passenger occupancy with Bayesian Markov regime-switching vector autoregression” is accepted at Transportation Research Part B. Congratulations!
12/2024: Our BIRS workshop proposal “Emerging challenges in statistical modeling for transportation research” is accepted. We will be organizing the workshop at the Banff International Research Station during June 28 to July 3, 2026. Stay tuned!
12/2024: Zhihao got a Mitacs grant to work with ServiceNow Research on foundation models for time series forecasting.
9/2024: Dr. Sun is among the list of [Stanford/Elsevier’s Top 2% Scientists].
9/2024: Zhihao’s paper “Multivariate Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting with Correlated Errors” is accepted at Neurips 2024.
7/2024: Congratulations to Dr. Xiaoxu Chen on passing his PhD defense! Xiaoxu will stay in our group as a postdoc.
3/2024: Mengying’s paper ‘Scalable Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficient Modeling with Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression’ is accepted at Bayesian Analysis. Congratulations!
3/2024: Chengyuan’s paper “Calibrating Car-Following Models via Bayesian Dynamic Regression” is accepted at ISTTT25. See you in Ann Arbor!
1/2024: Better Batch paper is accepted to AISTATS 2024. BIG Congratulations to Zhihao and Seongjin. See you in Valencia!
1/2024: Xiaoxu’s paper “Probabilistic forecasting of bus travel time and passenger occupancy with Bayesian time-dependent continuous density hidden Markov model” won the TRB AED60 Committee Best Paper Award.
1/2024: Our team has clinched three awards (out of four) in the Clifford Spiegelman Student Paper Competition held by the Transportation Statistics Interest Group (TSIG) of American Statistical Association (ASA). Mengying won the 1st place with the BKTR paper, Kehua (visiting PhD from HKUST) won the 2nd place with probabilistic lane-changing models, and Chengyuan won Honorable mention with his paper on Bayesian calibration and stohastic simulation of car-following models. Congratulations to Mengying, Kehua, and Chengyuan!
1/2024: Mengying and Xudong both have successfully defended their phd. Congratulations, Dr. Lei and Dr. Wang.
1/2024: Chengyuan’s paper “Bayesian Calibration of the Intelligent Driver Model” is published at IEEE Transactions on ITS. Full paper
1/2024: Paper “Pavement distress detection using convolutional neural network (CNN): A case study in Montreal, Canada” received the Most Cited Paper Award from IJTST!
1/2024: The Smart Transportation lab at McGill University will be actively participating in the upcoming TRB 2024. Please join us in the lectern and poster sessions!
12/2023: Congratulations to Qiujia on winning the CIRRELT PhD Scholarship!
12/2023: Xinyu successfully passed his PhD research defense with thesis “Matrix and Tensor Models for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation and Forecasting”. Congratulations, Dr. Chen!
12/2023: Dr. Sun will serve as a PC member for IJCAI 2024.
12/2023: Dr. Sun visited ETH Zurich and attended the NSL Colloquium: Transport Planning – Where do we go now?.
10/2023: Dr. Sun is appointed as an Associate Editor for Transportation Science.
09/2023: Paper “Probabilistic forecasting of bus travel time with a Bayesian Gaussian mixture model” from Xiaoxu and Zhanhong is accepted at Transportation Science. Congrats! Full paper
08/2023: Dr. Sun will serve as PC member for AAAI 2024.
08/2023: Jiawei’s paper “Multi-objective multi-agent deep reinforcement learning to reduce bus bunching for multiline services with a shared corridor” is published at TR-C. Full paper
07/2023: Jiawei has a very successful defense for his PhD thesis “Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Public Transport Vehicle Fleet Control”. Congrats, Dr. Wang!
07/2023: Paper “Discovering Dynamic Patterns from Spatiotemporal Data with Time-Varying Low-Rank Autoregression” from Xinyu, Chengyuan, and Xiaoxu is published at IEEE TKDE. Congrats! Full paper
07/2023: Xudong’s paper “Anti-circulant dynamic mode decomposition with sparsity-promoting for highway traffic dynamics analysis” is published at TR-C. Full paper
6/2023: It is such a great pleasure to join the 2nd Sustainable Urban Mobility: Simulation and Optimization workshop organized by Google. Dr. Sun gave a talk on probabilistic modeling of large-scale and high-dimensional spatiotemporal data and Bayesian optimization. The recording can be found here.
5/2023: McGill has approved Dr. Sun’s grant of tenure and promotion to Associate Professor!
4/2023: Big Congrats to Chengyuan on winning the FRQNT B2X Scholarship this year. Thanks, FRQNT.
4/2023: Dr. Sun is appointed as a William Dawson Scholar of McGill University.
4/2023: Dr. Sun was awarded the 2023 Christophe Pierre Award for Research Excellence (Early Career) from McGill’s Faculty of Engineering!
4/2023: HUGE Huge congratulations to Dr. Seongjin Choi from our lab on accepting a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Transportation Engineering at the University of Minnesota!!! Proud supervisor moment!!!
2/2023: Chengyuan gave a talk at the TRB TFTC General Webinar Series. Video is available on Youtube.
2/2023: Dr. Sun will serve as a Program Committee (PC) member for IJCAI 2023.
2/2023: Fuqiang’s paper “Adversarial Danger Identification on Temporally Dynamic Graphs” is accepted at IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS). Congrats, Fuqiang! Full paper
2/2023: Xudong’s paper “Low-Rank Hankel Tensor Completion for Traffic Speed Estimation” is accepted at IEEE Transactions on ITS. Congrats, Xudong! Full paper
1/2023: Jiawei won the AED50 (TRB Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications) PhD dissertation competition (3rd Place). Congrats, Jiawei!
1/2023: Our group had a wonderful week at TRB 2023! Feeling great to see friends and colleagues!
12/2022: Jiawei’s paper “Robust Dynamic Bus Control: A Distributional Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Approach” is accepted at IEEE Transactions on ITS. Congrats, Jiawe! Full paper
11/2022: Our review paper “Social Interactions for Autonomous Driving: A Review and Perspectives” is publised at Foundations and Trends (R) in Robotics. Congratulations, Wenshuo and Chengyuan.
11/2022: Paper from Zhanhong and Xudong—“Bayesian calibration of traffic flow fundamental diagrams using Gaussian processes”—is published at IEEE Open Journal of ITS. Full paper
11/2022: Congratulations to Zhanhong on winning the 2nd Best Paper Award from CASPT2022 at Tel Aviv, with paper “Real-time forecasting of metro origin-destination matrices with high-order weighted dynamic mode decomposition”
11/2022: Our project “Statistical Tools for Spatio-temporal Sensor-based Traffic Data” is funded by the CANSSI Collaborative Research Teams (CRT) Program. Our team (Aurelie Labbe @ HEC Montreal, Lijun Sun @ McGill, Denis Larocque @ HEC Montreal, Leo Belzile @ HEC Montreal, Alexandra M. Schmidt @ McGill, Luis Miranda-Moreno @ McGill, Pratheepa Jeganathan @ McMaster, and Stefan Steiner @ Waterloo) will develop statistical tools for modeling spatiotemporal traffic sensing data and support various applications in urban transportation systems.
08/2022: Our group got an NSERC Alliance Grant to work together with Expretio on train booking forecasting. Congrats, Team!
06/2022: Congratulations to Mengying on winning the poster award from the ISBA World Meeting 2022 held in Montreal!
06/2022: Zhihao got FRQNT B2X PhD scholarship and Chengyuan got FRQNT B1X Master’s scholarship. Congrats, Zhihao and Chengyuan! Thanks, FRQNT.
04/2022: Paper “Real-time dispatching of operating buses during unplanned disruptions to urban rail transit system” with Prof. Jin from SJTU is accepted at Transportation Research Part C. Congratulations! Full paper
04/2022: Wenshuo is selected as a Rising Star Scholar on “AI+X” by Baidu Xueshu (百度学术). Congrats, Wenshuo!
04/2022: Zhanhong has a very successful defense for his PhD thesis “Travel-Behavior-Based Inference and Forecasting Methods in Metro Systems”. Congrats, Dr. Cheng!
03/2022: Xudong’s paper “Extracting dynamic mobility patterns by Hankel dynamic modes decomposition” is accepted at TRISTAN 2022.
03/2022: Paper “Bayesian Kernelized Matrix Factorization for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation and Kriging” from Mengying is accepted at IEEE Transactions on ITS. Congratulations! Full paper
03/2022: Paper “A Universal Framework of Spatiotemporal Bias Block for Long-Term Traffic Forecasting” from Fuqiang is accepted at IEEE Transactions on ITS. Congratulations! Full paper
02/2022: Dr. Yuankai Wu has joined Department of Computer Science at Sichuan University as a tenure-track professor. It has been wonderful two years. Best wishes for you!
01/2022: Paper “Quantifying out-of-station waiting time in oversaturated urban metro systems” from Zhanhong and Kangli (visiting PhD from BJTU) is accepted at Communications in Transportation Research. Congratulations! Full paper
01/2022: Team from KAIST with Seongjin won the 3rd place in the AED50 data competition in TRB! Congratulations!
01/2022: Zhanhong’s paper “Real-Time Forecasting of Metro Origin-Destination Matrices with High-Order Weighted Dynamic Mode Decomposition” is accepted at Transportation Science. Congrats, Zhanhong! Full paper
12/2021: Congratulations to Mengying Lei, Xinyu Chen, and Chengyuan Zhang on winning the CIRRELT Excellent Master/PhD Scholarship in the 2021-2022 competition.
12/2021: Dr. Sun gave an keynote presentation (online) at the 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP).
12/2021: Dr. Seongjin Choi from KAIST (Korea) joined our group as a postdoc researcher starting from January 2022.
11/2021: Our group got an NSERC Alliance Grant to work together with on travel behavior/pattern inference. Congrats, Team!
10/2021: Chengyuan has successfully completed the CIVE 701 exam for his master-phd-fast-track application. Congrats, Chengyuan!
09/2021: Yuankai’s paper “Deep learning-based super-resolution climate simulator-emulator framework for urban heat studies” is accepted at Geophysical Research Letters (AGU). Full paper
09/2021: Paper “Low-Rank Autoregressive Tensor Completion for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation” from Xinyu and Mengying is accepted at IEEE Transactions on ITS. Full paper
09/2021: Dr. Sun will serve as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for the AI for Social Impact track at AAAI 2022.
08/2021: Our group is awarded an RTX 8000 GPU from the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program. Thank you, NVIDIA!
08/2021: Dr. Mengyi Sha joined our group as a postdoc researcher.
05/2021: Zhanhong’s paper “Incorporating travel behavior regularity into passenger flow forecasting” has been accepted for publication at Transportation Research Part C. Congrats, Zhanhong! Full paper
04/2021: Fuqiang got FRQNT B2X PhD scholarship. Congrats, Fuqiang! Thanks, FRQNT.
04/2021: Jiawei’s paper “Reducing Bus Bunching with Asynchronous Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning” is accepted at IJCAI-2021. Congrats, Jiawei!
04/2021: Sicong Jiang (MS graudated from Georgia Institute of Technology) will join our group as a PhD student in 2021 Fall. Welcome, Sicong!
04/2021: Zhanhong’s paper “Real-time forecasting of metro origin-destination matrices with high-order weighted dynamic mode decomposition” is accepted at CASPT 2021. Full paper
04/2021: Paper “Modeling bike-sharing demand using a regression model with spatially varying coefficients” from Xudong and Zhanhong is accepted at Journal of Transport Geography. Full paper
03/2021: Dr. Sun gave a talk at Northwestern University Transportation Center (NUTC) on “Low-rank modeling for spatiotemporal mobility and traffic data”.
03/2021: Our paper “Bayesian Temporal Factorization for Multidimensional Time Series Prediction” is accepted at IEEE TPAMI! A preprint is at arxiv:1910.06366.
03/2021: Dr. Sun gave a talk at MIT Transit Lab on “Real-time forecasting of metro origin-destination matrices with high-order weighted dynamic mode decomposition”.
03/2021: Dingyi has accepted a PhD offer from MIT. Tianyu has accepted a PhD offer from UofT. This is great achievement. Congratulations!
03/2021: Dingyi, Tianyu, and Mojdeh have successfully completed their master thesis presentations. Congratulations to you all.
12/2020: Congratulations to Dingyi Zhuang, Jiawei Wang, and Zhanhong Cheng on winning the CIRRELT Excellent Master/PhD Scholarship in the 2020-2021 competition.
12/2020: Our paper “Inductive Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Kriging” arxiv:2006.07527 is accepted at AAAI 2021. Congrats, Team!
12/2020: Zhenyuan and Lulu have submitted the final thesis. They are the first batch of master students graduated from Smart Transportation Lab. Congrats, Zhenyuan & Lulu.
12/2020: Our paper “Diagnosing spatiotemporal traffic anomalies with low-rank tensor autoregression” is accepted for pulication at IEEE T-ITS.
12/2020: Dr. Sun joins the editor team of Transportation Research Part C. He is an Associate Editor handling machine learning-related papers.
10/2020: Our group have four papers accepted at TRB 2021 (online meeting). The four presentations will be given in January 2021.
8/2020: Dr. Wenshuo Wang received the 2020 IVADO Postdoc Fellowship! He will join our group as a postdoc researcher in January 2021. Congrats and welcome, Wenshuo!
7/2020: Our group has two PhD positions avaiable for Winter/Fall 2021. Please contact Dr. Sun if you are interested.
7/2020: Xiaoxu Chen received CSC PhD scholarship and he will join our group in the fall semester. Congrats, Xiaoxu!
6/2020: Our team (PI: Prof. Nicolas Saunier, co-PI: Prof. Francesco Ciari, Prof. Catherine Morency, Prof. Martin Trepanier, and Prof. Lijun Sun) received IVADO Fundamental Research Projects Grant. Thanks, IVADO!
6/2020: Our team (PI: Prof. Aurelie Labbe, co-PI: Prof. Lijun Sun, Prof. Martin Trepanier, and Prof. Luis Miranda-Moreno) received support from the FRQSC-NSFC Research Program on Smart Cities and Big Data. Thanks for the support, FRQ!
4/2020: Dr. Sun received the FRQNT Research Support for New Academics Grants. Thanks, FRQ!
4/2020: Xudong Wang got FRQNT B2X PhD scholarship. Congrats, Xudong!
3/2020: Chengyuan Zhang received the 2020 IVADO excellence Msc scholarship. Chengyuan will join our group in 2020 Fall. Congrats, Chengyuan!
3/2020: Xinyu Chen received the 2020 IVADO excellence PhD scholarship. Xinyu will join PolyMtl in 2020 Fall under the joint supervision of Prof. Nicolas Saunier and Prof. Lijun Sun. Congrats, Xinyu!
2/2020: Our group has one postdoc position available. The position involves research in two machine learning-related projects on (1) spatiotemporal modeling of urban mobility/traffic data and (2) reinforcement learning environment for traffic signal control. Candidates should be able to work independently, and are also expected to collaborate with researchers working on artificial intelligence in Montreal.
2/2020: Dr. Yuankai Wu received the 2020 IVADO Postdoctoral Scholarship.
1/2020: Prof. Oded Cats from TU Delft visited our group. Dr. Sun hosted a seminar given by Dr. Cats at CIRRELT.
1/2020: Our team presented four papers at TRB 2020.
1/2020: Tianyu Shi joined our group as a Master-thesis student.
11/2019: Dr. Sun joins the International Scientific Committee for International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modeling (ISTDM), Ann Arbor, Michigan, US, June 24-26.
11/2019: Dr. Sun received an NSERC Engage grant with GIRO Inc.
10/2019: New paper with Xinyu Chen. Chen, X., Sun L., 2019 Bayesian temporal factorization for multidimensional time series prediction arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.06366. The code for this project is available on Github.
10/2019: Dr. Yuankai Wu joins our group as a Postdoc Associate.
8/2019: Mengying Lei received the 2019 IVADO excellence PhD scholarship.
8/2019: Dr. Sun received CFI JELF grant to build a Research Laboratory on Smart Transportation. McGill News.
6/2019: Dr. Sun received an NSERC Discovery Grant and Early Career Supplement.
4/2019: We have two PhD positions opening for 2020 Winter and 2020 Fall. Please contact Dr. Sun if you are interested.
4/2019: Mengying Lei (PhD, graudated from Beihang University), Jiawei Wang (PhD, graduated from Sun Yat-sen University), Jingbo Tian (PhD, graduated from Simon Fraser University), and Dingyi Zhuang (MS, graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University) will join our research group in Fall 2019.
3/2019: Xudong Wang and Zhenyuan Ma are selected to attend DLRL Summer School in Alberta.
2/2019: Dr. Sun (PI) and Prof. Martin Trepanier from PolyMtl received an Mitacs Accelerate grant with
2/2019: I am looking for motivated Postdoc Associate starting ASAP in the general area of machine learning for transportation. Please send me an email (subject: “Prospective Postdoc Associate [Your name]”) with your CV, a brief research statement and transcripts.
1/2019: Dr. Sun gave a talk at CIRRELT on “Bayesian temporal factorization models”.
1/2019: Prof. Kay W. Axhausen visited our group. Dr. Sun hosted a seminar given by Prof. Axhausen at CIRRELT.
1/2019: Dr. Sun will present two papers at Transportation Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
12/2018: Zhanhong Cheng (PhD, graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology), Leila Hawa (MS, graduated from McGill), and Zhenyuan Ma (MS, graduated from HK PolyU) joined our research group to start their research in Winter 2019.
12/2018: Dr. Sun is invited as a Fellow of the Second Chan Wui & Yunyin Rising Star Workshop to be held in Bellagio, Italy.
12/2018: Kangli Zhu joined our group as a visiting PhD student from Beijing Jiao Tong University.
12/2018: Dr. Sun gave presentations on Bayesian temporal facotorization models at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy, Tsinghua University, Beihang University, Beijing Jiao Tong University, and Beijing Institute of Technology.
11/2018: Dr. Sun becomes a member of CIRRELT officially.
10/2018: I am co-organizing research theme on Public Transport in WSTLUR 2020.
10/2018: I am looking for Postdocs. Postdocs or final year PhD students with strong mathematics/machine learning background (and also application in smart transportation, e.g., spatiotemporal prediction, generative model for urban activity) are strongly encouraged to apply for the IVADO postdoc scholarship. Very competitive package!
10/2018: I am organizing a Special Issue in Transportation Research Part C on Emerging Methodologies in Data-driven Urban Transportation and Mobility Modeling: Machine Learning and Complexity Approaches. Your contribution is more than welcome and please submit your work to us! CFP in PDF.
09/2018: Thank you, NVIDIA, for offering a GPU Grant to our group.
09/2018: Xudong Wang (graduated from Beihang University) joined as the first group member. Welcome Xudong!
05/2018: I am co-organizing IEEE ITSC 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Public Transport.